We are grateful to the following for pledges and contributions received through September 20, 2019, to the Baltimore Choral Arts Society Endowment, including the Clementine Peterson Fund, the Tanya Bendit Fund for Jewish Music, the Theodore Morrison Founders’ Fund, and the Tom Hall Endowment Fund.
Please contact Development Director Andrew Creech at 410-523-7070 ext 303 or andrew@baltimorechoralarts.org with any questions.

Premier Partner ($25,000 or more)
Bendit Family Foundation
Ellen & Ed Bernard
Arthur F. & Isadora Dellheim Foundation, Inc.
France-Merrick Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Laporte
Middendorf Foundation
James & Mary J. Miller
The Sheridan Foundation
Partner Plus ($10,000 to $24,999)
Baltimore Choral Arts Society Chorus
The Charlesmead Foundation
Ms. Jane R. Dummer
Mr. & Mrs. E. Philip Franke
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Peck Foundation
Mr. Russell R. Reno, Jr., Esquire
James S. Riepe Family Foundation
Peter V. Savage
Partner ($5,000 to $9,999)
Gail & Emile Bendit
Andrea Bowman
Thomas M. Brown
Tom Hall & Linell Smith
Hecht-Levi Foundation
Mr. John C. Hilgenberg
A. C. & Penney Hubbard
Leslie & Roy Kupkowski
Igor & Marguerite Limansky
Susan & Bob Mathias
Sally S. & Decatur H. Miller
Terry H. Morgenthaler
William F. Nesbitt
A. MacDonough Plant, Esq.
Procter & Gamble
Anne Stone
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Judy & Peter Van Dyke
Wagner Wallis Charitable Trust
Benefactor ($2,000 to $4,999)
Mr. Michael N. Allman
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Andersen
Phoebe F. Bacon
Amy & Bruce Barnett
Bruce & Polly Behrens
Shirley Bockstahler-Brandt & Daniel Brandt
Ellen & Walt Clayton
Ann Weller Dahl
Richard Dellheim
Ms. Beverly Diaz
Deborah & Philip English
Linda & Stephen Goldberg
George & Susie Good
Charles & Rosemary Hall
Kathy & Skip Isaacs
Dayle & Jack Jones
Mr. Allan Leverson
Linehan Family Foundation
Claudia & Don Mitchell
The Charles & Margaret M.H. Obrecht Family Foundation, Inc.
James & Kathryn S. Schaefer
Clair Zamoiski Segal
Jean Shaffer & William P. Blair
Dr. Judith Sheagren & Mr. Christopher Kreeger
Mr. William Smillie & Dr. Linda Rose
Mr. William Stallsmith
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Sweatman
Times Mirror Foundation
Lynn & David Wolf
Judith A. Wood
Mr. Mark Wright
Sustainer ($1,000 to $1,999)
Anonymous, in memory of Norma Allman
Adalman-Goodwin Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey A. Austin
Ann C. Berger
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus, Jr.
Lori & Jay Brooks
Alex Brown & Sons Charitable Foundation
John & JoAnn Cain
Anne E. Culbertson
Mr. Michael Curley
Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown
Parker & Johanna Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ford
Ms. Lori Gillespie
George & Susie Good
Alice Falvey Greif
Dr. Jenness E. Hall & Mr. Peter A.R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. F. B. Harvey III
Mr. John Healy
Harley W. Howell Charitable Foundation
Ann & Richard Hunter
Mr. Jonathan Kolker
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kremen
Kremen Family Fund
Dr. Mark Lowitt
Mrs. Karen Malecki
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Mallonnee II
Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation
McCarthy Family Foundation, Inc.
Carol B. McCord
Jane Miller
Dr. Daniel Nyhan
Elizabeth Callard Olson
Linda Hambleton Panitz
Arnold & Virginia Paskoff
Frances M. Peck
Judy & Scott Phares
Joan Seitz
Karen E. Shively
Solomon and Elaine Snyder
Steve & Patty Wilcoxson
Wolf Contractors
Patron ($500 to $999)
Thomas Barth
Cecil B. Bishop, Jr.
Douglas Blackstone
Mr. David Bodycombe
Jane Brown & Neil Didrikson
Mr. Paul Bunuan
Eunju Chung Chen
The Cordish Family
Gwen Davidson
Amanda K. Edgar
Amy Elias
Chuck & Judy Gehrman
Ms. Kate Goddard
Joy & Jack Heyrman
S.K. Himmelrich
Richard Kidd
Ralph & Nancy Kuncl
Anne Leavitt
Mr. Michael A. Lee
Mr. Jim Kuang-Cheng Li
Ms. Anna Maria Lucas
Carol Macht
Elizabeth & Donald McGonigle
Jill & Donovan Murray
James & Mimi Piper
Ms. Jenepher Piper
Mr. Peter E. Quint
Jack Ray
Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. & Dorothy L. Rosenberg
Mary Ruzicka & E.D. Crook
Tidewater Auctions, LLC
Bill & Linda Raymond Trescher
Jean Trout
Lauren C. Woodburn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Zurwelle
Supporter ($100 to $499)
Anonymous (2)
Salliann Alborn
George & Frances Alderson
Rachael E. Altemose
Anne & Sandy Apgar
Baltimore Community Foundation
Andrew & Jane Banks
Mr. & Mrs. David Bavar
Rheda Becker
Rayanne Beers
Mr. O.R. Bengur
Rebecca Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Berman
Naomi K. Binko
Christina & Alan Blackman
Bill & Barbara Boland
Kristine & Michael Booth-Smets
Ms. Joyce Brown
William S. Brown
Kim & Nancy Buckel
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Buckner
John Carroll Byrnes
Penny Catzen
George Ciscle & Richard Cleaver
Mr. Dudley Clendinen
Dr. Ronald J. Cohen
Christine M. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. David Crowder
The CyberBass Project
James Darchicourt
Hampton Dejarnette & Leslie England
Mrs. Donna Dennis
Dr. Phillip Dennis
J. Chris Dias
Mr. Michael Di Mayo
Richard A. Disharoon
Melanie Dodson
Anastasia & Mark Edmonston
Andy Feinberg
Lois B. Feinblatt
Carla Finkelstein
William N. Fitzpatrick, M.D.
Robert L. Freund
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D. & Virginia K. Adams, Ph.D.
Jeanne Geiger-Brown
Saul & Pat Gilstein
Ms. Chickie Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Griesacker
Diane E. Griffin
Ellen & Bob Hartley
Barbara M. Hathaway
Wayne & Carol Heckrotte
Ann Hughes
Paul Hulleberg & Dawna Cobb
Mr. Greg Huyer
Christophe Jouny
James Kaper
Ms. Charlotte Kasdon
Thomas & Leslie Kight
Lisa Kissinger
Mr. Timothy Kjer
Barbara Kornblatt
Ms. Annie Kumar
Ms. Pat Lakatta
Dr. Christine Layton-Sacktor
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lebow
Susan Leviton
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Lewis
Sandy Losemann
Henry & Leigh Lowe
M. Isabelle MacGregor
Amy Mansfield
Ms. Arna Margolis
Ms. Brenda McIntire
Ms. Sheri B. Miller-Leonetti
Clayton & Gabriele Moravec
Arschel J.C. Morell, Sr.
Ms. Judith Morgan
Linda Moxley
Ms. Melissa Myers
Martha Nesbitt
Tam Nguyen
Mr. John Oliver
Dr. & Mrs. Bert W. O'Malley
Bärbel Otto
Lawrence Pakula
Alice Parker
Sarah Penniston-Dorland
Jim & Marge Porterfield
Robert E. & Anne L. Prince
Mr. John W. Rach
Sandra & Steve Rach
Dr. Jonas Rappeport
Donald Regier
Judith C. & Lee B. Rosenberg
Thomas & Helen Rothschild
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sachs
Mr. Charles Savage
Mr. David Schofield
Michael Selmanoff
A. Gearhart & K.V. Shannahan
Mr. Sanford Shapiro
Dr. & Mrs. Hiroshi Shimizu
Craig and Mary-Beth Smith
Mr. & Mrs. P. David Sowell
Raymond J. Spitznas
Ms. Vivienne Stearns-Elliott
Stanley Black & Decker
Mr. & Mrs. James Stevenson
Linda J. Swallow
Mr. Joe Sweeney
Miho J. Tanaka
Mr. Timothy Teeter
Raymond Toy
James A. Ulmer III & Therese E. Ulmer
Mark Vaselkiv
Margot & Jim Vincent
David Wallace
Leo M. Wanenchak & David Ruschke
Michael & Melissa Warlow
Mary Weller
Danica Welton
Amanda Williams, in honor of Ellen Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Bennett Wilson
Witt/Hoey Foundation
Ralph Wood