Volunteer & Intern
There are no current volunteer opportunites available. If you would like to be considered for volunteer opportunites in our upcoming season, please email info@baltimorechoralarts.org
The Baltimore Choral Arts Society is one of Maryland’s premier professional cultural institutions. The Symphonic Chorus, Full Chorus, and Chamber Chorus perform throughout the mid-Atlantic region, as well as in Washington, DC, New York, and Europe.
Baltimore Choral Arts is seeking an enthusiastic and detail-oriented intern to join our team. This is an ideal opportunity for someone to participate in the strategies and mechanics of a successful non-profit arts organization. This is a part-time, (12-20 hours per week), unpaid position. Positions are available for summer, fall or spring.
- Participate in PR and marketing activities to promote concerts
- Sort, scan and format archival material and archives
- Research potential Foundation and Corporate donors
- Assist Choral Arts staff with administrative and other duties, as needed
Required Knowledge and Skills
- Computer proficiency, preferably with experience in MS Office suite and social networking
- Strong writing skills
- Attention to detail
- Good people skills
Baltimore Choral Arts / Intern Expectations
While this is not a paid position, Baltimore Choral Arts will provide the intern with a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of its organization. Baltimore Choral Arts is nationally recognized for the quality of its programming and performances and has an experienced, professional staff. By the end of the internship, the intern will have a broad understanding of the inner-workings of a performing arts organization.
In return for this education and experience, the intern will be held to the same professional standards as Choral Arts paid employees. At the end of the internship, there will be an intern performance review and the intern will be asked to provide an evaluation of the internship experience.
To Apply
Please email your resume and cover letter to Baltimore Choral Arts Society, at info@BaltimoreChoralArts.org. No phone calls.